The warning signs are there in heavenly writing during this broadcast, but the Western zodiac entirely misses the crucial fact that the Lord of Time and Platonic Form, Saturn, presently transits Libra, the sign of heterosexual attraction.
The original representation of cosmic and human law clearly illustrated the divine plan laid out in Nature's way - the simpleton's notion of "reality" but in the philosophers mind the insubstantial world of process in contrast to the true world of the actual living beings or eternal souls.
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The law of procreation on the Rajasic plane as affirmed in year 17 (and then again in 726, 1610 and in 1815) |
Hindu astrology accordingly classifies the four signs or principles involved in propagating the world of appearance as belonging to the middling quality Rajas (passion) - locked in the tension resulting from the duality of Existence and Unreality or the qualites called Sattva (light and awareness) and Tamas (darkness and habitual, instinctual behaviour).
Paternal Saturn and maternal Moon rule this lower plane of finite existence (unreality) through, respectively, Capricorn and Cancer. The Latin word Capricornus reveals the capricious horn of the goat - the bad reputation earned by "goatish" and primitive male sexuality and urge to forceful dominance, complemented by the Crab or feminine nature's protective shell in order to ward of the onslaught of the horned goat. The watery "feeling soul" needs protection from the harsh reality indicated by the element Earth.
Still, this tragic and entirely materialistic duo acts in concert in order to draw unwary souls down to the deluded physical plane of reality, and the two sexes effect their union through the principle of attraction, Venus, overseeing the proceeding from the higher dimensional Air element - here viewed as a metaphor for the pneuma, air or spirit being - your everyday "soul."
Nine months after Mother Nature (Cancer) has been impregnated, the sign Aries temporally arrives, signifying the newborn child. Aries as the child is found already in the Western astrology's oldest text, the Latin Astronomica dating from the first century.
The above chart turns time back to show how all the involved planets occupied the signs they rule according to the ancient scheme (shared by Hindu and Western astrology and probably imported from Babylonia, although very little material remains from the civilization that gave birth to astrology).
This, then, is the ancient scheme lauding the heterosexual process obtaining on planet Earth and in use for keeping the show alive by the willing or otherwise participation of real living beings (souls) accepting the "fall" down into physical embodiment.
During 1815 all four rulers of the signs ruling temporal existence twice occupied their "correct" places, however briefly. Once in September (Sun in sidereal Virgo) and then again in December (Sun in Sagittarius). The poet Wordworth - sensitive soul! - must have felt what was in the air - the story of physical man's impermanence under the bad influence of Passion (Rajas) - as he wrote this:
September 1815
WHILE not a leaf seems faded; while the fields,
With ripening harvest prodigally fair,
In brightest sunshine bask; this nipping air,
Sent from some distant clime where Winter wields
His icy scimitar, a foretaste yields
Of bitter change, and bids the flowers beware;
And whispers to the silent birds, 'Prepare
Against the threatening foe your trustiest shields.'
For me, who under kindlier laws belong
To Nature's tuneful quire, this rustling dry
Through leaves yet green, and yon crystalline sky,
Announce a season potent to renew,
'Mid frost and snow, the instinctive joys of song,
And nobler cares than listless summer knew.
//William Wordsworth
(One may also note the peace treaty, drawn up by Tsar Alexander and reflecting "the return to conservative politics in Europe after the long struggle against Revolutionary and Imperial France", on the 26 of September 1815. This day the Moon passed through Gemini, sign of writing and just before the "conservative" or traditional grand cross was activated.)A physical body is by no means necessary to a soul; in fact life on the other planets is much to be preferred! I visited Venus during a night's sleep a number of years ago, and almost wept when waking up and finding myself unable to fully grasp my experiences during sleep. All I could muster was a simile: "They don't have right angles in their Venusian state of consciousness - everything connects to every other thing "on" that planet.
The opposite conditions probably obtain on warlike Mars: nothing connects - everything is disjointed! Mars must represent hell in our solar system... (Do recall that Plato places our entire universe in the mind of God BEFORE it is rolled out in time and space; these heaven and hells therefore do not actually exist out there in space but "in here", within our souls as we are surrounded by the cosmic World Soul.)
But what does the heavenly script announce as the televised 2013 edition of ESC commences 8 P.M. local time in Sweden?
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International broadcast starts at 9 P.M. but the Swedish state television actually sends localized material already from 8 P.M. |
Let us immediately acknowledge Father Time's "exaltation" in the sign of heterosexual attraction. Saturn represents the Norm in astrology and anciently the Form of the World Soul of which we all simultaneously aspects of and also individual parts. (This mystery goes beyond the reach of the human intellect, which is prone to splitting everything into an either/or dichotomy; ancient wisdom says that we both are and are not figments in God's imagination or mind.)
A rising Venusian Libra fits a show dedicated to music very well, although hardly music as part of the finer arts due to mainstreaming of the contributions. The music industry wants to mass market and sell the same product globally and the European Song Contest really represents music at its least interesting. Its roots are really political and the aim is to make the aggressive and warlike Caucasians to learn to build a sense of togetherness through meeting each in relaxed circumstances in a non-violent musical competition. The results so far are pretty depressing, with the insane capitalist world economy and ethnic conflicts continually tearing Europe asunder...
Saturn rose in even-handed Libra when the horrible British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was born too, so there are obviously many more astrological factors at work. Besides, doctrine clearly states that Saturn is at its mundanely strongest at its setting, the Lord of Time having, so to speak, gathered its lifetime of experiences in this world and at best now a wise old man or woman.
Being born with Saturn rising is like placing patriarchal power in the hands of a newborn child, which is just what we will see in this year's Swedish broadcast. The country has been hi-jacked by right wing market liberalists whose only allegiance is to the Big Money, and the state owned Swedish television now habitually presents right wing views as "expert commentary" to current political events.
The middle class in Sweden is extremely well-off economically but just as uneducated. A nation of materialistic, amoral yes-men. The majority is, however beginning to understand the right wing government has lowered their taxes by stealing from the poor and afflicted, a Robin Hood in reverse kind of behavior similar to what is seen in every country corrupted by the free market economy.
In these circumstances one cannot but wonder if not the ESC has played out its part and is ready to be retired. This superficial show of glitter and juvenile hook lines cannot long hide the harsh reality of the Western world during the downfall of capitalism (well put by Oliver Stone a few years ago in his sequel, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps).
The ESC show starts broadcasting not only under the severely narrow-minded Saturn rising in the house of the ego perspective (Saturn the ruler here trying to instil a new policy or way of thinking about Libra), but as can be seen from the chart (if clicking on it for at larger image), the very same minute the ugly demon Rahu or Dragon's head shows up on the local horizon!
According to Hindu legend this demon wanted to vie with the gods and become more than perishable flesh and blood but only half-succeeded. His eternal punishment - the punishment for human hubris - is visualized in the lunar minds erratic course: sometimes the moon climbs above the correct course given by the Sun on its path, sometimes the moon falls below the solar plane.
The Dragon's head is where the moon crosses the solar path and gains in northern latitude. This indicates the onset of human greed. Two weeks later the demon has its head cut off by the gods and as the Dragon's tail the low lunar mind (also called the irrational or vegetative soul in ancient Platonic philosophy), makes a half round on southern latitudes.
This horoscope for a show making its pro gay statement is thus aired the very same minute the derange demon of greed makes a mockery of the normative Saturn in Libra - indicating the way heterosexual attraction is meant to work.
Libra's ruler Venus is in a bad way too, stuffed into the eight evil house of sexuality, sin and corruption! And to finish it off, the egotistical Mars is extremely strong in its positive rulership Aries (childlike or young passion) and also attacking and upsetting what remains of a normal sense of balance and fairness in Libra, given Saturn bad mundane placement here and the gross imbalance and avarice caused by the rising demon.
It would seem Turkey and Greece, who have already protested to the Swedish attempt to sink the Western world even deeper into its intellectual and spiritual disease, are the only two conscious countries in all of Europe!
The heavens declare its opinion about whatever occurs at any given time, and this horoscope is indeed fraught with warnings about mental and sexual imbalances (look at the loaded evil eighth house).
Swedish television actively helps creating an ever sicker humanity while a reincarnated soul disoriented concerning the host (its new physical body) would be better served by deep psychological treatment (e.g. hypnotic past life regression therapy) rather than being cheered on on its descent into ever more severe cognitive disorders.
Finally, this Swedish blog has experimentally tested two important ancient stars to understand how the ancients thought about astrology. The King maker Regulus in Leo and another evil demon, Algol or, as the Jews anciently called it, Rosh ha-Satan, Satan's head.
It can be easily seen from the chart both good and evil is very much alive during this time. The simple consuming masses - Moon - sees Regulus, the King maker (the night will see a new song contest winner). However, the intelligent man, represented by the Sun, will either see and understand Satan's doings or else have his own soul-essence corrupted by the Evil Star of the ancients!
He who has eyes, let him see.
ESC in Swedish media:
Aftonbladet 2 (Sweden's degeneracy makes their jokes unfit for international consumption);
Svenska Dagbladet (musically);
Svenska Dagbladet (politically) - all other major newspapers in Sweden appear threated by the free blog community and no longer offer link space to their content. This is most likely a political decision since all important papers are controlled by the political right.
2 kommentarer:
Precis lika homofobt som vanligt här alltså. Läser en riktig homos blogg istället (Richard Söderbergs) så jag får lite riktig insikt och humor istället för detta galenskap!
Your answer represents an utter failure to comprehend the subject matter as well as the level of thought in, and intent of, this blog post. Sorry.
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