onsdag 22 maj 2013

The Stockholm suburb riots for dummies (sidereal astrology)

[An expanded and rewritten version of the previously published Swedish blog entry "Husbyupproret för dummies."]

In the face of the riots in the long-neglected and racially discriminated against Stockholm suburbs, the egotistic Swedish middle class may indignantly preach about moral and individual responsibility. They may glance at the below astrological chart based on the original Babylonian zodiac (to this day in use in India because of its astronomical soundness). 

But they will not awake from their bourgeois balloon of air in which they cower. They cannot cope the with the simple truth that seven years ago they all voted for Fredrik Reinfeldt, Anders Borg and others of that ilk - the right wing Moderaterna paid for by secret Big Finance companies, a party that pandered to the typical Swede's notorious materialistic and short-sighted mentality by posing as "the new labour party" and promising more money in the wallet. 

This party only gradually revealed that Sweden's poverty-stricken, unemployed and sick people were to fund the already well-to-do middle class by a political programme not at all dissimilar to Adolf Hitler's World War II labour camps. In today's Sweden unemployed people are forced to work at the poverty line for companies with no future promise at all since this crypto fascist party does not believe in investing in proved "inferiors'" education. 

People undergoing radiation treatment for Cancer are forced to continue look for job opportunities, no longer allowed time to recuperate! The Swede's invited monsters to manage their affairs in this so-called representative democracy - which everyone knows is manipulated by Big Finance due to the country's lack of legislation against corrupting lobbyism. In Sweden you can actually buy your business a legislation friendly to it!

This right wing government has turned Sweden's historical pride on its head: the well-fare state, with relatively high taxes used to ensure a decent living standard for all its citizens. (The system actually worked!) Yours truly once was down and out but with social democrats in office received a government-funded halv year long computer course which eventually led to work for Sweden's then fourth biggest IT company. THIS government rather wants to turn Sweden into a low-wage third world nation by refusing to invest in its population.

The disaster wrought upon the country after seven years of this market liberal right wing rule has now led to the first, but certainly not the last, of riots in the most neglected areas. Prime Minister Reinfeldt's arrogant answer to those suffering from Moderaterna's tearing down of the national health insurance system was: "They have to solve that [financial] problem the best they can, maybe live off relatives or friends". 

Meanwhile the government's spin doctors busy themselves spreading false propaganda internationally that they DO represent the famous Swedish (welfare) model; only they have deviously changed the phrase to the Nordic model, thus benefitting from the good Swedish reputation the Social Democrats created but filling the term with an opposite content! 

The Prime Minister's eldest sun is presently a trainee at a PR bureau, which would indicate something of the way these politicians are willing to create lies and smoke screens to trick the people, and a few years ago the Prime Minister took the unprecedented step of creating a new function - a Minister of Propaganda (think Goebbels) with the sole purpose of using the tax payer's money to brain wash them that the selfish right-way thinking was the right and proper ordering of a society!)

These "moderates" also rule the capital of Sweden, and their lack of honesty and even grasp of reality is reflected in the flags outside the municipal building in Stockholm, which proudly boast: "Stockholm, Capital of Scandinavia"! Most certainly not! There is no such thing - except in these politician's megalomaniac dreams!

1st temple: The Ego
2nd temple: Money; Hades' portal
6th temple: Slavery; Enmity; Misfortune
7th temple: The Social Contract (Fair Play!)
- the latter house visited by Saturn, meting out
stern justice (a society's karmic debt to its citizens?)

Said ancient political philosopher Confucius: "If I show my students one corner and they don't figure out the other three for themselves, I will say no more."


Ancient China actually held that a ruler who obviously no longer served the public necessitated a revolutionary uprising on the part of the people. Divine Heaven had removed its mandate from this particular ruler (and his politics) but still needed the human agent in order to fulfill destiny. How else would the Emperor be brought to realization of the crimes he had committed towards his people?

See the Confucian Classic Jijing or I Ching, Book of Changes, chapter 49 on what constitutes a legitimate uprising/revolution. And Confucius certainly was not a rabble rouser but rather a conservative type! Still, he demanded the music be emphasized in school as the human soul needed purification. Not even this is grasped by Sweden's right wing government who mercilessly has cut down on the State's expenses - again striking a terrible and ominous blow to the already disadvantaged immigrant minorities in Stockholm's suburbs. 

The Prime Minister disparagingly calls the riot makers "angry young men", of course not unaware that his own segregationist stance is the cause of all the trouble. One may predict that the downtrodden will swarm like locusts over the well-to-do sunny areas of Stockholm and pester them and remind the inhabitants that apartheid in Sweden cannot be tolerated at this stage in history.

Apartheid? Yes, the Prime Minister's home municipality, Täby, has performed an ethical cleansing of sorts but by economical means. You are no longer allowed to live there if you cannot BUY and OWN your own apartment. By this devilishly ingenious practice they have created an image in reverse of a Nazi Jewish ghetto - only "Moderaterna" are barricading themselves in secluded areas and holding those at a long distance who have suffered from this egotistical and deeply unfair politics. 

See, in Swedish only, a Professor of Pedagogy describe the other side of the coin: the horribly segregated big Swedish cities Stockholm and Gothenburg and segregation's destructive effect on the inhabitants who cannot afford Täby or other expressions of the proverbial sunny side of the street.


Then what of the horoscope? This natural zodiac where Aries corresponds to the first house or temple denoting the ego, Taurus to the second house of personal resources (money, and the urge to owning stuff in general) has here been spiced up with some of the ancient meanings to be found in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos (2nd century) and in Hindu astrology.

The problem areas in this chart for the second night of the riots (identical to a chart for the first night) are obvious enough.

There is an alarming unrest in the area where Ego turns to the urge to own money and the ancient evil star Algol (the Jews called it Satan's head) is well-placed in the beginning of Taurus, sign of identification with material goods.

The ancients all agree that the next Earth sign is even worse: from simply sitting down on a piece of land and claiming ownership, Virgo now invents farming in order to increase the material profit of its own labour manifold. Hindu astrology now rises an alert and dubs the corresponding sixth house a temple of enmity. 

Indeed, Moderaterna's party horoscope shows an ugly example of an unredeemed Virgo's self-interest! The Prime Minister, too, has sidereal Virgo rising and the evil and (in Virgo) discriminating Mars for an ugly personality who truly wants to increase the class differences and then separate the rich from the poor. South-Africa all over again, but now in Sweden!

A conspicuous trouble area in the
Swedish national chart

And nobody should be surprised that the riot erupts just as the Sun passes over the worst spot in the Swedish national chart, where this people's most ego centered feeling nature (Moon in Aries) is owned by an awfully ethnocentric Mars stuck in Taurus' provincial way of thinking about itself and foreigners. And far away, in the Eighth Heaven (Ouranos), Satan's star casts corruption into this vegetative soul of the Swedes. We have had it coming for quite a while and now the just desert for our bigotted ways and failure to open up to the world is visited upon us.


See also the "sequel": The Stockholm Riots and the Accountability of the Head of State


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