torsdag 23 maj 2013

The Stockholm Riots and the Accountability of the Head of State

From ancient times when wise thinkers shaped mankind's then current and future civilizations from concerned observations of the stars, formulating the original concept of Natural Law, the King or Head of State has been held to be personally responsible for the state of a country.

Chinese civilization even admitted the necessity of bloody revolution if the ruler had deserted Heaven's injunction to, to quote Babylonian law, care for the poor, widows and orphans. 

In Sweden, the right-wing Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has done none of what is asked of a benign King. Instead he has impoverished the country's poor and needy further by using a patently false rhetoric fooling the selfish middle-class that they have much to gain from falling in with the Reinfeldt's own crypto-racist attitudes concerning "the unproblematic ethnic Swedes." 

See also, in Swedish, the spokesperson for the Social Democratic Youth League, reaching the same conclusion from grim statistics showing 90% of the well-to-do inner city kids complete school, while only 50% of the suburban kids manage to get themselves even a basic education.

Now Stockholm's suburbs have seen four unruly nights in a row, and it is surely illuminating to use the astrological method of the wise men of Babylonia to highlight the personal accountability of the Swedish Prime Minister. As virtually nothing is know about the tenets of ancient Babylonian astrology prior to its absorption by the Indians and the Hellenistic Greeks, this blog uses a most important discovery: the necessity of using the sidereal zodiac, which counterbalances the precession of the spring equinox in order to keep the heavenly zodiac still and true to the original conceptions.

The blog has shown that the "fallen Moon" in Scorpio is indeed still associated with death in our age. Testing 161 horoscopes for murderers showed a significant overrepresentation of Moon in Scorpio. This pressures Western astrologers to explain how the same birth dates meaning Moon in Sagittarius to them could ever be associated with themes like "death" or "murder". Sagittarius is ruled by the Great Benefactor Jupiter and is traditionally associated with all things good and desirable, not a sociopathic, poisoned and murderous mind! (Moon = the mind)

This blog also uses a subset of Hindu astrological tenets which its writer has found suggestive during four trial years, the most important of which is that regarding the efficient nature of planet, which may change from its essential nature as a natural benefic or malefic depending on which houses it rules (which accidental ownership in turn depends on the zodiac sign rising in the east at birth).

Let us superimpose the chart for the police alert that a riot was building in a Stockholm suburb on that of the Prime Minister and see in what way he is implicated in the event. Anyone with some experience of astrology knows the planetary transits seldom fail to highlight a weak spot in the horoscope of the person most affected by the terrestrial event.
See this brief background to the deterioration of Sweden under the sway of Fredrik Reinfeldt's evilly banal right-wing political philosophy giving free reins to Big Finance by weakening the State - which used to keep rampant greed in check - while at the same time bribing the middle-class by decreased taxation (funded with money stolen from the country's poor and unemployed). It just so happens that the initial riot in a suburb starts just as transiting Sun moves over a particularly problematic spot in the national chart.

Just a few more preliminaries before I'll cut to the chase. The Prime Minister was born under the sign of self-service, Virgo, since time immemorial associated with agriculture, man's ingenious way of maximizing the profit of the invested labour. By quantitative tests this blog has confirmed the individualistic and almost anti-social stance of this archetype, first principle or Platonic form or idea. 

As a Moon sign, Virgo prides itself of overrepresentation in the horoscopes for convicted criminals and as a Sun sign it likewise stood out as the sign of the Playmate when investigating every single one during the first 25 years of this phenomenon. This means that the Maiden is most eager to make a profit, not even minding using her undressed body as a tool or a means to the desired end. This finding would give as a hint as to the Prime Minister's mentality.

The blog thus has revealed what Western astrology no longer can discern: that the Maiden, far from being an innocent and pure being, actually represents the potential archetypal Whore, selling her soul in order to gain the material world. The Whore and the Madonna thus turns out to correspond to the opposite signs Virgo and Pisces respectively, and one is immediately reminded of the Bible story where a fallen woman washes Jesus' feet - Pisces is traditionally associated with water and the feet. Do note Venus' "fall" in Virgo and her "exaltation" in Pisces!

The zodiac appears to teach anti-materialism by design, reminding the fallen soul to cleanse itself from egotism and the world's pollution. Hindu astrology places the ultimate liberation from earth(l)y stain in the Piscean twelfth house of moskha

Hellenistic astrology called this the temple of the evil demon, which does not at all contradict the Hindu meaning. Virgo's (or the Playmate's) hankering for riches has now so corrupted the soul that liberation becomes mandatory! The evil daimon might the lord of this world with all its promises of material good. I am referring to Pan, god of the fauna and vegetal growth and lust too.

In some cultures Pan is referred to as the Devil. The Jews read Satan himself into that certain star the Arabs, receiving this tradition, came to call al-Ghul or Algol, the demon. This blog has performed initial studies of this fixed star, and it does appear to corrupt whatever it touches, not only by conjunction but opposition too. Possibly the most generic description of the star Algol's activity is 100% Negativity - close indeed to Satan as Gods helper, when the mission to negate or contradict the soul in order to test it. Perversion or corruption to force the living being to a higher state of awareness of the Divine workings.

Now, Virgo rising really emphasizes a person's self-absorption since the first temple is the place where heaven and earth intersect and produce the newborn person and it's "me" or ego. According to astrology Mars is a natural evil doer (planet or war and accidents and divisiveness). Unfortunately, in the case of the Prime Minister, this his Mars also turns into an efficient evil doer when Virgo rises. One is immediately reminded of the agricultural goddess Persephone's rape at the hand of Hades, god of the Underworld. 

This is thus a seriously damaged subtype of the sign of principle Virgo. It may even indicate that the Prime Minister harbors self-hate which he has projected upon the poor and the needy since they are his "accident"  - Mars - in terms of ability to amass profit or "carry their own cost" as the frighteningly crass mindset of "economists" puts it.

It is to be noted that in Hellenistic astrology the sixth temple is the first one below the Eastern horizon, thus signifying the Sun's daily death and entry into the Underworld. Interestingly, the previous Earth sign Taurus ALSO denotes the Underworld and it corresponding second house was anciently called Hades' portal. Perhaps in the Sun's daily round this is its exit from the house of the dead, as the Sun next appears in the first temple (housing the ascending degree or ascendant) and there represents the reincarnated soul.

When a personality or Ego this damages rears its ugly head, this blog has taken as a habit to closely investigate the ninth house, which Hindu astrology terms "the best house" because of its close tie with Jupiter, the Great Benefactor (or the Good King as per Hammurabi's Law). 

For the reflective and philosophical mind, it can hardly come as a surprise that the self-serving sign of Virgo is not well served by the planet of universal prosperity - Jupiter or Zeus desire to benefit all, world-wide (see the endless list of children Zeus fathers). Virgo combined with the house of Ego makes for an individuality that would try to keep all this wealth for himself, and although Jupiter is in essence a good planet, for Virgo it shape shifts and become an efficient agent for evil. 

One may also say that the atomistic and hair-splitting tendencies of the intellectual/Mercurial Virgo is ill-served by the tremendous expansivness Jupiter provides - in fact the Prime Minister patently refuses to see any patterns whatsoever and refers to everything untoward as "isolated incidents"!

(An excellent political comment in Sweden's largest newspaper from Eva Franchell - sorry, Swedish only - likewise notices the failure of the right-wing government to apprehend wholes. To Reinfeldt's party, which totally dominates the government, there are no problems with Stockholm - only with certain suburbs. The inner city elite will never voluntarily take responsibility for the consequences of their self-centered lifestyle!)

En evil Jupiter rarely means the planet turns into a murderer (like the Prime Ministers doubly evil Mars rising in his first house - THAT is the sign of a born evil doer). Rather, Jupiter starts misbehaving and exhibits all its bad sides. It becomes a selfish glutton instead of acting as a global source of prosperity, it comes to like easy money, it turns superficial and hypocritical. 

Jupiter's freedom becomes an inability to contains problematic situations and the Swedish Prime Minister is notoriously slow in reacting to emergencies. When he finally speaks up, it's just PK nonsense coming out of his mouth. His coping abilities proved to be so weak that he soon was provided with speech writers and nowadays refuses to appear without prior preparation. A bad Jupiter is just an overblown gassy bubble ready to burst!

Now let's close this text by returning to the first night of rioting. Notice how Prime Minister Reinfeldt's natal - and evil - Jupiter occupies his most important house, the ninth temple of true conscience, religion and philosophy. Do note the sign and its element! Here's your typical Devil worshipper: an inflated ideal that money is the highest good in this world and actually this politician's substitute for religion and true thinking. 

As Jupiter also rules religion and philosophy this placement simply declares his philosophy to be an especially evil variant of Taurean fixity and hunger for owning "stuff"... Is it even possibly to be born under an uglier heaven than this, with the hateful Mars rising and a corrupt Jupiter stressing one's deeply disturbed connection to God? (In Hellenistic astrology the ninth house of Jupiter was termed the Temple of God.)

The Swedes voted the lowest dregs of mankind into power and now, with riots resulting after seven years of mismanagement of the country's social dimension, they still refuse to understand what is now happening in Sweden. It seems very significant that Prime Minister Reinfeldt's corrupt Jupiter is shown to him via the riots the very year the planet returns to its natal sign AND the very same year when Saturn, the planet of "karma to harvest," strangles the mind (Moon) of the Head of State, and does so in a perverted way through the agency of the "zoom tool" Rahu, Hindu astrology's demon of greed know in the West as the Dragon's Head.

As for the Moon in late Leo the night of the first report of riots, this sits in the Prime Ministers house of material losses, and Moon in Leo thus disposed of by the Sun transiting Taurus thus directly activates the politician's perverted conscience. All this guy can take in is that cars are burning and stuff is damaged! He simply cannot grasp the real significance of the event and how it is simply the Shadow of his own evil nature and the resultant ideology of evil, that there OUGHT to be poor people so that the laboring busybodies all the clearer may discern what good and decent citiziens they are! We are talking hypocrisy of the worst buorgeois kind.

Sweden must be the house God forgot so that Satan eagerly jumped in.

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