söndag 19 april 2020

Corona a Doomsday virus preparing for a new world order - as seen by astrology

This is an occasional entry added to a blog in Swedish which strove to mix curt remarks on current events with astrological analysis according to the sidereal zodiac rather than the western system. It was in operation for nine years (2009-18).

The setting of planetary positions in the world horoscope for Greenwich, England, is based upon convention. The Art predates the modern world (to say the least!) and was usually used only for local rulers and predictions for their territories. A problem with casting a world horoscope is that the immensely important doctrine of the leader of the horoscope, that is, the body furthest progressed by degree in its hosting sign, might vary with location if the fleet-footed moon is involved in the comparison.

The year 2020 is critical in just this way but conveniently the moon in the most westerly timezone (+10h Australia) stops a mere degree short of the world horoscope’s ruling planet, Saturn or the Grim Reaper at the 28th degree of Sagittarius. As the zodiac sign in its lowest and prosaic aspect means gambling for easy profit as well as global travel, even the village idiot should be able to grasp that the Great Maleficent has plans for curtailing global travel (and capitalist Just-in-Time production chains) this year.

Saturn is, after all, also the neutral demarcator or upholder of limits or (national) borders. It is fitting to compare Saturn and its host Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) with the teaching of the late Plato, after he dropped the model of the Forms (divine Ideas) and instead focused on the interaction between Limit and the Boundless (a line of thought suspiciously reminiscent of Hindu philosophy no less than the ancient Chinese views on Yang/Limiter and Yin/Unlimited).

One particularly interesting feature of the world horoscope is the sun’s conjunction with the south moon node – the point in the zodiacal circle where the moon dips below the steady course of the sun and starts travelling as southerly latitudes for a half lap. When it comes to the nodes, Western astrology repeats its failure of the Greeks to grasp the sidereal nature of the original Babylonian teaching (the Hindus got it!) and today attaches some ill-begotten idea of “karmic merit” to the southern node, while Hindu tradition is very clear: the north node symbolizes “the demon head” and the start of sub-lunar (worldly) ambition and even avarice, while the gods dispose of anyone having taken this ambition to the utmost – at the south node the demon’s head is regarded as being cut off. Punishment might be in store at this point – it is not a pointer to “good karma”! (The punishing aspect of this node must, however, be judged by several factors, such as the dispositor/owner of the south node, and its characteristics in a horoscope.)

So here is mankind (for which the world horoscope is cast) facing a major (“solar”) event 2020 which may involve cutting the head of the world’s many demons – people having in the lives channeled and worked for the unrealistic concept of global capitalism and harvesting the world's limited resources for the benefit of just a few super rich, those throwing smart phones and other trinkets of fleeting pleasure to the deluded masses to keep them asleep. All this bogus “globalism” is destined to be cleaned from Earth, starting 2020 with the executioner Saturn.

Most of the time of this expurgation of false and inflated values the great couple Saturn and Jupiter (the Limiter and the Boundless) will, however, be moving across Saturn’s’ natural home territory, the extremely rationalistic and conservative sign of self-preservation through “blood-letting” or outright poverty: Capricorn. Consulting the free and very good computer program ZET Lite, these passages are noted (according to the Lahiri view of where the zodiac signs commence and finish in Space). Repeated visits in a sign is of course due to the planet’s circular orbit in front of or behind the sun. Seen from Earth this makes it look as a planet is sometimes moving back in to a previous sign, only to return on its forward path some time later…

Range of search: 1.01.2020 - 1.01.2024, in steps of: 24h

25.01.2020 - 29.04.2022
13.07.2022 - 17.01.2023
31.03.2020 - 30.06.2020
21.11.2020 -  5.04.2021
15.09.2021 - 20.11.2021

The Corona virus may aptly be termed the Doomsday virus since this is god sent from the entire host of the cosmic rulers collectively making a “limit” and Mother Nature (part of the formed or originally Boundless). "A hundred days" into the pandemic there is talk of a full year or more to develop an antidote. The introduction of this may well correspond to some interesting interaction between Saturn, putting a “limit” to the spread of a clearly out of order Jupiter, symbolizing capitalism and materialistic globalism as well as the virus itself.

The virus being just Nature’s way to visit Mankind’s evil doing upon themselves, even though, predictably, there is a lot of blame-shifting going on, with the especially unintelligent accusing China and their food markets without seeing that they are just as much the bad guys, having birthed the Doomsday virus which will finally lead Mankind to the Age of the Water Bearer. This is the symbol of a Collective Man pouring out water and marks his having clarified what is of essence in the human being and what belongs to the lower, irrational and ever needy natural nature. Presently parts of mankind has so dumb down itself that only this lower "watery" man is considered real!

This virus may lead to the awakening of the real Man, a divine species only inhabiting physical bodies derived from the apes. Check the world’s ancient philosophies to get the whole story the capitalist system did not want the common man to dabble with. Our forefathers had found out too many truths about our true nature and these had to be suppressed in order to impose the materialistic terror regime capitalism on the world’s suffering masses.

Liberation is really at hand! Even evil-doers will recall the good human values they once heard about, before the Demon Head took them for a ride as high as the moon - a most precarious ambition that would necessarily end in due time. In tomorrow’s reality man jobs will be performed by artificial intelligence so this is really a good time to rethink the fabricated system designed to benefit a very few but imposing slavery on the many.

What has been going on Earth has sickened the eyes of the gods and the (man-made system of astrology) produces a horoscope for 2020 that not only hints at restriction or a slowing down of Economic Globalism due to the alien position of the restrictor Saturn in the endlessly expansion oriented Sagittarius. The chart also hints at death to an entire ideology by the Lesser Malefic Mars (wars, hate, turbulence, fevers - including sex! - and similar expressions) attacking the grand sign of the Water Bearer, this year holding the watery planet moon, also significator for the faceless masses, driven by the basic needs of any living organism. Scorpio’s toxic water poisons the Air sign Water Bearer – do compare the joint effect of virus bearing spit (water) intruding upon the airy world. 

In retrospect, 2020’s main event almost looks drawn up in the heavens. Some say it's just mathematics; sooner or later the planets would align themselves like this. This is only because today's Consumerist is totally oblivious to the vast Intelligence that is the universe and that this intelligence suffers itself to be charted and pondered upon! The ancient set of symbolism still holds its own, even though mankind has lately been digging mostly deep into matter, discovering DNA and fantasying about Darwinism.

One paradigm may sometimes co-exist with another as knowledge is always spotty in incomplete. A few steps further down the way mankind may come to understand how the universe "doctors" and imposes itself upon a given set of DNA. But this is not to be given yet. First mankind must sharpen up and rethink the deeply disturbing relations between the Rich and the Poor and quickly devise a truly New World Order.

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