TheGuardian rapporterar om den svenska kollapsen inför flyktinganstormningen. Men det är den lavinartat växande mängden av läsarkommentarer som intresserar.
I jämförelsen med livligheten hos TheGuardian påminner sig plötsligt hur svenska tidningshusen Bonniers och Schibsted tävlat om att censurera sina svenska läsare genom att antiken ta bort möjligheten till att blogga eller ens kommentera i tidningen så fort ämnet hade minsta lilla politiska sprängkraft. Det är verkligen skämmigt att vara svensk i denna punkt i landets historia...
You asked for it Sweden, now you've got it. How's life up there on that moral high ground now?
Staggering stupidity from those who are supposed to know better.
Branko Dodig
Surely, they can evict the Swedes to make room? Last I heard their politicians were quite itching to replace the native population.
Varpå skojfriskt svar kommer från
Perhaps the Swedes can move here - apparently we need new workers to pay for our pensions.
Men Branko Dodig fattade och den här med:
Cheap labor must be in place and ready when the TTIP is passed.
This is all part of a master plan. It must be. Please explain to me how this situation has been allowed to occur? What possible benefits can Sweden get from basically allowing themselves to be invaded and occupied by foreign nationals? Will they try a Coup detat next when the numbers are high enough? If it looks like an invasion it probably is an invasion.....
I de inläggen ser man i princip sanningen summerad - av vanligt folk i England! En sanning den svenska vänstern är helt inkapabel att ta in, tyvärr.
Ännu mer genant är det att svensk vänster inte fattar vad kommentatören Hetage44 och den här bloggen pekat på:
"Invasionen" är faktiskt överhetens "härska och söndra"-taktik. SAAB och Bofors har länge spridit destruktiva vapen utomlands och nu kommer skörden hit. Hela planen är att byta ut svenska folket mot billigare arbetskraft, dugliga utlänningar som inte sjukskriver sig så ofta utan nu är redo att slava för minimilöner en livstid för att säkra Rovkaitalisternas privlegier ännu en tid.
Inbördeskrig i Sverige är nu inte långt borta. Till och med vanliga tidningsläsande britter har fattat det och de tackar sin tjuriga Cameron för att han vägrar dansa med i Bror Duktig-leken som Löfven ägnar sig åt. TheGuardians kommentarer tyder på att många britter har identifierat denna svenska paradgren.
Och så ser jag en mer reflektiv läsarkommentar som inte alls är fel på den här bloggen med dess astrologi och karma-resonemang:
Simply a blowback from the western and NATO (+GCC) destabilisation of Middle East at large.
I am glad that these refugees have escaped and found refuge in Europe.
There is poetic justice, with a hint of karma in all of this.
I do admire the humanitarian minded people of Europe though, but often wonder how these same people picked leaders that allowed the destruction of Syria and Libya to take place...very strange indeed.
Det går att citera hur mycket som helst från TheGuardians kunniga läsare. Minns bloggens nyliga och upprepade påpekanden att demonen RAHU gör svenskarna inkapabla att tänka och se klart under en hel generation. Vi behöver se detta utifrån! Den här kommentaren är höjdaren av dem jag sett så här långt:
"The answer, Ramberg argued, is not for Sweden to lower its standards, but for the rest of the world’s richest continent to take on its fair share. “A crisis for us,” said Ramberg, “is very different from the crisis in Jordan or Lebanon,” two countries where refugees are estimated to respectively constitute around a tenth and a quarter of the total population. “We could take these people if we had solidarity between EU countries. We are a continent of 500 million people – of course we could do it. But there’s no solidarity. It’s just Germany and Sweden.”"The problem is all about how the Swedes are thinking about this situation Generous-hearted as they are, they are trying to rationalise this situation as a single event, of finite duration, and temporary cause. None of these points are try of the current situation, and as a result, the Swedish responses are wide of the mark. Indeed they are doomed to failure.
• This is not a single event. The migration that is happening is not simply from Syria, or even from Afghanistan. It is from just about every country where people feel that there is insufficient hope for them and are prepared to migrate. Just about every African country is supplying migrants, for example.
• The duration is not finite. This is the start of what will be a protracted phenomenon - perhaps the new world order. And the flow of migrants will grow with time - possibly quite quickly
• The cause is not temporary. We have failed, as a world community, to recognise the needs of the developing world. We have been jealously guarding the advantages of first movers. And now we have found "climate change" and consequently have limited spare time or capacity to assist. But we will not tolerate the flagrant use of fossil fuels that has allowed our own accelerated development, either. Failing to achieve satisfaction at home, and increasingly without hope of improvement of their situation, migrants are now setting out in search of the opportunities in those other countries who have so much more, and are not inclined to share.
So, if the Swedes intend to persist with an open-door policy, there is going to need to be a lot more housing build. A very lot more.
Of course Paris, or one of the other gabfests, could decide that the way forwards is to invest a trillion dollars per year in third world development. A sort of Marshall Plan for the developing world. Invest in green technology by all means. But ensure that the investment will bring jobs, generate economic and social development, but overall give hope.
We are looking at the biggest single problem of our age - growing population and lack of development in the developing world. Let's not fiddle while Rome burns.
Mass Immigration in Sweden has created a dual-culture system, at total odds with each other: Essentially, secular liberalism and theocratic Islam. It has been a recipe for disaster, not harmony.
It does seem that Swedes are now suffering from the state policy of taking in so many foreign refugees. Sweden no longer has the wealth it had from the post war years through to the late nineties, and has enough internal issues with unemployment, and falling education standards, especially in the area away from the 3 large metropolitan regions.
Money should be spent on helping those in their own country who are without work, and on the smaller northern cities where the companies have either become more mechanized, or moved away completely.
Finally, this lunacy that both the Swedes and the Germans give priority to the Syrians and Iraqis with the most money, those who can afford to travel to Northern Europe, and in the case of the Iraqi man in the article, back to Iraq again, before returning with all his family (who he left there, despite having himself being mutilated by ISIS??).
If help is needed, its needed in the camps, fly the most deserving, or those in the most danger, to Northern Europe, don't just take in the wealthiest. A final point, there are already massive racial issues between immigrants and native Swedes, in both direction, adding more refugees is going to make an already volatile situation, much, much worse.
Varpå svar kommer:
Agreed and good point, from decades experiencing a once far more equal Sweden. Globalisation and offshoring has been no friend to Social democratic Sweden in the sparse North and small industrial town areas across the country. The money should go to these declining areas and the Swedish elderly who built Sweden with their work ethic and high taxes.
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Nationalstater betyder krig enligt honom, men när supranationella strukturer bedriver krigföring är det endast av humanitära skäl. Organiserat mord kan således ges olika namn.