söndag 3 maj 2015

Ed Miliband, "The Chosen One"

This is a rapid translation of a Swedish text published earlier the same day.

As a Swedish tabloid publishes a piece on Labour leader Ed Miliband it strikes me that he so far has not received an astrological comment on this blog. With the British elections approaching and the discovery on astrotheme.fr of his birth time, this matter is now swiftly rectified.

(Half-finished with the post I realized this politician has already been featured on the blog, but under his correct name Edward Miliband. Well, the immense benefit of an actual birth time motivates another text.)

As the intelligence of people regresses to that of crafty rodents, conversation stalls at loose talk about appearances or even worse – as in the British right-wing press – takes to lambasting Miliband for not having been born beautiful like an effeminate film star. So let’s first tackle that issue, which in fact helps us further pinpoint the riddles posed by the ancients’ talk of a planet being “exalted” or “fallen.”

Miliband was born early in the afternoon with the worst possible stigma: the Great Malefactor Saturn “fallen” in egocentric Aries and furthermore in the first house of the bodily self. Here we might study a living incarnation of the planet Saturn! Sure enough his gaze is every bit as sombre and darkened as this Tamasic (dark) Lord of Air! Not for nothing the ancient stargazers came to connect Saturn with the Grim Reaper. (This was long before the ill-disciplined Western astrologers ruined the entire system by squeezing three more planets into the schema, among them an entirely new “death planet,” Pluto.)

But why settle for the intellectual grasp of a rodent? This soul’s physical body might be stigmatized by the root of racism, the delimiting and pecking order oriented Saturn. Had not Miliband so obviously looked like being of foreign descent but presented a ruddy and featureless British face, the right-wing would never have sunk so low as to use his looks in order to turn the incurably foolish masses.

The very word “mass” implies – also confirmed by philosophical thoughts regarding matter – stupidity pure and simple, and the one offended by the obvious should consider going back to school. Plotinus (3rd century): 

“Reasoning and the act of the intellect are certainly not vested in the body; their task is not accomplished by means of the body which in fact is detrimental to any thinking on which it is allowed to intrude.” (The Enneads IV.3.19) 

Satanists have long before Plotinus tried to reduce the living soul to merely an expression of the physical body and its wiring. But observe people struck by aphasia and realize how, there behind the inhibited wrestling with words, sits a soul who knows the words didn’t come out quite right. Plotinus knew what he was talking of: the body/brain complex is a later system of lower dignity that limits the cogitating soul!

Miliband’s Aries ascendant shows how favoured this not-so-photogenic body actually is. Aries’ ruler Mars seeks to lift the fallen Saturn, planet of the fallen working class, from its position in the 11th house of the good daimon (as the Hellenistic astrologers called the house of ideals). Also, Mars blends with the hyper-ambitious demon Rahu (Dragon’s head) who wants nothing so much as too rise above the sordidly human to the level of the gods.

With the birth hour known this now turns out to be a fated combination since Mars/Rahu in turn disposes of the fallen Saturn (the planet which drags down the issues from the level of the noble Aquarian idealism to stupid media coverage focusing on Miliband’s personal appearance). Seldom has a mutual reception so perfectly illustrated this politician’s struggle against those who, similar to the Swedish right-wing Moderates, attempt to reduce all societal ills to a question of individual responsibility or even worse, make an issue of whether the person is a smoker at the work place, his style and clothing habits or even chatter like low sewer rats regarding congenital personal looks! 

(Remember how the zodiac grows from a humble start with four personalistic signs for which lifestyle and shallow gestures dominates; then bottoming and touching upon the true identity of the soul throughout the four individualistic signs – these, however, do not preclude a fatal combination of shallowness in order to emphasize individuality. At long last the zodiac expands to the level of the world soul during the final universalistic signs.)

It even looks like the smearing of the right-wing devils might bounce back and punish them; the very engine powering Miliband’s personal self is Mars-in-Aquarius, an energetic activism for a society build on social democratic values. The Swedes need only remind themselves of their own national chart with Sun and the Great Benefactor Jupiter in Aquarius to grasp the enormity in a sign the Babylonians knew as The Great (One) – a conception appearing with the neighbouring Jews as Adam Kadmon, the Primordial Human, the blueprint to our human species. Even the heavens call out to mankind that socialism is the only road if mankind ever is to fulfil its potentiality. Earlier milestones in the zodiac have their truth but as the pilgrim approaches the end of his journey, the zodiac starts revealing the great and overarching truths.

The birth time further sharpens Miliband’s fundamentally fascinating chart indicating a lot in life acted out purely in the higher domain of the rational soul (all takes place in visionary Fire and rational Air). Just witness the full moon and how perfectly it falls along the far most interesting axis in a horoscope, that between the houses termed the temples of the Goddess and the God (3rd and 9th respectively). Here the Hellenistic version diverges somewhat from the Hindu one in that that the latter not primarily associates the silvery Moon goddess (“the mind”) with the third house but rather sees this place as the house of communication including song and dance and therefore closely related rather to the energetic and nimble warrior Mars!

Both traditions agree, however, on the ninth house as being the “best house” and a representation in astrology of God’s presence in this world. And if we, with the Hindus, hold Guru (Jupiter’s name in Jyotisha) to be the Father, his representative in this world becomes the Son (the Child) or the Sun. In other words, Ed Miliband’s full moon reveals him to be an individual with a divine mandate to improve the people’s condition (in line with the 11th house ideal). A universalistic Sagittarian Sun disposed by Jupiter in the sign of social equality (Libra) – these are hardly the kinds of omen you are likely to find in the spiritually shrivelled and materialistic bourgeoisie; people who only live and plan for their own convenience!

Goddammit, this chart spews Zeus’ lightning bolts all around! All the meaty carcasses born under Earth and Water only must detest the true way of doing astrology. But one must not forget that astrology depicts a perfect system BEFORE human souls fall to earth. There is nothing wrong with any element – even Earth exists Above as “intelligible matter,” Plotinus tells us. This is how the world soul was always meant to function, the Roman philosopher tells us.

But the human souls do not belong with this system, no matter how much their presence on earth may have affected those hominid host bodies they once took possession of. Yes! In the half-mythic distant past the apes became “possessed” by Aliens – us! It is we, through our creative intentionality, that have pushed the envelope so far this bodily type can be taken. Let those of an intelligence of the rodent type commit to plastic surgery and attempt to prolong the enjoyable part of life to 120 years. The majority of humankind is still destined to discover the advantage of living in Air bodies. By that time the masses will leave behind the rat people to build their Hitleresque thousand year empire upon the principle of the Earth element. But this will be so déclassé to those who have reclaimed their original body of Air.

Yes! The Air body is the original body; a rational body put on by the soul as it enters this universe (refer back to Aquarius again and see my Amazon book The Zodiac Rules for a discussion of its cosmic symbolism). The clumsy expression “reason body” might once again be explained by Plotinus: our bodies on their several levels (Air, Fire, Water and Earth) are all karmically conditioned, built out of previous lives. To extricate oneself out of this mess this “system” offers careless souls is not an easy thing! But good public schools and erudition on top of that builds the aerial body and these bodies are guaranteed so many thousand years of wear and tear they make the rat people’s meddling with DNA look positively stupid. Naturalism is pathology of soul!

Be careful, then, when right-wing media praises IT solutions and banal consumption of image and audio – the soul is being tied up ever harder in Someone’s system within the world system. Thoroughly deluded souls might even lose their right to return in human form, if heeding the warning of the father of Western sharp thinking, Plato. No wonder the Swedish free market lobbyists have attempted to eradicate Classic Philosophy; reading our true Mentor as Westerners would immediately reveal the sham society capitalism has erected. But with more people like Ed Miliband its reign of terror might be considerably shortened.

If there is any longing for justice in this world, Edward Miliband becomes the next Prime Minister of Great Britain.

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