fredag 24 maj 2013

Washington bridge collapse due to pressured politician?

Incriminating evidence keeps mounting to the effect that Swedish Prime Minister is the cause of a series of global catastrophes aimed to divert the attention of his subjects from the ongoing riots in the suburbs of Stockholm. They are the result of his right-wing government's ideologically based neglect of the traditional Swedish welfare policy.

It used to keep the violent Swedish mentality within bounds but does so no more since the Prime Minster has introduced cultural and mental starvation as the order of the day for those unemployed or poverty-stricken.

Traditionally, the Swedes have worked hard and dutifully until Friday when a weekend of booze and wife-beating served as an outlet for this criminally poorly educated people. However, during the last seven years under this Prime Minister's policy of discriminating against the poor, sick and unemployed, a potent negativity has built in Sweden's population, ready to unleash its pent-up fury.

Not only has this blog presented evidence (Swedish only, but the graphic says it all) that the Prime Minister triggered the Russian M8.2 earthquake by his criminally selfish policies aimed only to enrich the already well-off middle class (and of course Big Finance who are having its heyday in Sweden right now, successfully buying themselves a favorable legislation).

It now transpires that the Swedish Prime Minister's psychic overload may have led to the collapse of a bridge near Mount Vernon in Washington USA! 

With his mind's eye (Moon) set to his diminishing popularity in the polls, the Prime Minister envisioned burning or falling bridges and a disastrous fall from power in the elections of 2014. His mindset, represented by Moon in the 20th degree of Libra apparently triggered this particular world event where a suitably weak bridge happened to collapse as Libra 20 rose over the local horizon in Seattle.

Show me one more world leader currently under such stress as the Swedish Prime Minister having an equality important planet at this point in Libra, and I will recant from my long-held beliefs that everything in this cosmos reflects upon every other thing. 

Leading politicians have an extreme accountability since they today represent before God what yesterdays Kings did: namely their subservience to the Divine Will. It is therefore reasonable to expect bad leadership to reflect on the world events, even to the extent of causing natural disasters. Such was the position of the ancient Chinese.

See also:

The Stockholm Riots and the Accountability of the Head of State

...and a primer on the "state of the disunion" between the haves and the have nots in Sweden:

The Stockholm suburb riots for dummies


While at the topic of prophecy and the question of influence at a distance, neither a big mystery to those familiar the Greek Stoic theories on the sympathetic connection of every node with every other node in this cosmos, one may well wonder whether the good man, the late Jamaican singer Joesph Hill traveled in time by means of this nodal system and wrote his "Bald head bridge is burning down" after having had a vision of the Swedish Prime Minister...

Prime Minister Reinfeldt as seen at work!
"I strenuously object to this nation of lazy people; satisfied with
dragging their feet and subsisting on welfare handouts"

N.B. This blog post may not be entirely up to the exacting standards normally associated with Sideriska siktet ("The Sidereal Aim"). (No kidding!)

The purpose of this blog in Swedish has been to highlight the correctness of the original Babylonian conception of a zodiac lying still in the heavens as an eternal frame of reference and indication of God's moral law, rather than the mess that resulted when the West misunderstood the entire thing and kicked off the zodiac at the Spring equinox. In time this lead to the 12 archetypes falling into disarray due to the precession of said equinox.


On the collapsed bridge in the Swedish media: SvD, DN

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