måndag 22 augusti 2011

Historia: senantika judiska zodiaker

För den historiskt intresserade, Palestina mitt i den hellenistiska världen och delaktig i den tidens kosmologi. Med bilder:

For the record, we have never found a zodiac in a Jewish context outside of Israel, and every zodiac found in Israel was in a synagogue.

That fact tells us what we already knew: that these zodiacs were certainly not just decorations or pretty pictures. Nor were they attempts at astrology (predicting the future) or astronomy.

The Ark, candelabrum, shofar, etc. were put in synagogues (and on tombstones, lintels, doorposts and catacombs), the most serious of places for the Jewish community. And the inscriptions on the zodiacs themselves were invariably in Hebrew, even if the common languages of the day, Aramaic or Greek were added.

That is, the zodiacs were important and meant something to the people who made them. The question is: What? It is time to suggest some conclusions.
Jag hittade länken genom den här akademiska bloggen, där fortsättningan på citatet ovan kan läsas.

Märkligt nog verkar den citerade historikern inte medveten om att horoskoprester hittats bland Dödahavsrullarna så stryk genast det kategoriska förnekandet att synagogezodakierna kan ha haft med astrologi att göra! Märkligt vilken het potatis detta är i alla läger, att mänskligheten faktiskt praktiserade astrologi bland sina tidiga vetenskaper.

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