måndag 24 januari 2011

The Domodedovo suicide bombing (sidereal chart)

Just a brief sketch of the current transits in the heavens. Astrologically, the Domodedovo suicide bomber clocked the deed with ultimate precision, Sun exactly setting in the 12th degree of Capricorn - the capricious horns of the callous self-styled ruler of this world. (Leo is the ruler of the heart and the spiritual world and despises Capricorn, as can be inferred from the classic Vedic scheme where Sun and Saturn are mutual enemies.) 

As can be seen from the chart, this was the optimum date from the point of view of the lethal attack against the innocent masses. Sun is not yet quite conjunct with Mars, planet of war and extra capable of inflicting damage during its exaltation in this ruthless and ambitious sign. But the timer in mundane charts is the Moon (also signifying the masses) and it is only hours from the exact conjunction with Saturn - the Grim Reaper. Think about it. This was the optimal moment from the point of view of what has transpired.

Also note the house occupied by the reaper of the masses: the Mercurial third house (an Air house) of travel and communication! No other point in time would harmonize the involved factors the way this sunset (signifying death) did. The 3rd/9th house axis certainly emphasizes travels in and out of the country!

Saturn also aspects the 12th house of loss at the time hosting the cut off (punished) Ketu or Dragon's tail. The node axis in turn involved Mercury accidental ruler over the 3rd house. The signs are Gemini (short travels) and Sagittarius (foreign travel). We thus have a multiple attestation - both by signs and by houses!

In bygone days rulers kept astrologers specifically to be on the lookout for potential disturbances like these. But the West turned secular at some point in time and now its population is shallow, ignorant and collectively not even remotely close to what Man is supposed to be. No one reads the signs of the times anymore. No one even believes the universe is a meaningful and intelligent place!


A horrible deed. Little did I suspect this while poring over the positions of the planets a week ago in preparation for a childbirth. The wife of a friend of mine gave birth to their firstborn just a few days ago, much delayed. I had jokingly predicted the already delayed baby (a boy) probably wanted to wait a few days more so as to arrive after the Sun's entry into a sidereal Earth sign - in order to harmonize with this very pleasant father who is born in the Earth sign Virgo with a stable psyche (Moon) in earthy Taurus. And so it turned out, the boy arrived shortly after the Sun's entry into Capricorn.

I did not tell him, however, that Sun approaching Mars might be construed as a complicated birth, possibly accompanied by an accident, but that happened too! The baby was so stressed after the delivery (it finally had to be sucked out of the mother's womb) that the hospital staff asked the parents to remain a few days just to observe there was nothing wrong with the child. It seemed to gasp for air in a shallow and rapid manner (suspected heart problem?). The child eventually became more at ease and found a slower breathing pace.

The World Soul paints and repaints the heavens continuously. There must have been countless smaller and larger incidents during the previous days for those born under susceptible stars, leading up to this disaster with its global connotations, Sun (Life) all but shut down by its dispositor and enemy Saturn infusing the Moon with his chilly character and merciless objectivity. 

Note how Saturn manages to damage both Lights due, in one case to its being the dispositor (and enemy) and in the other to the conjunction.

An in-depth analysis would of course reveal much more, especially in conjunction with Russia's national chart. These were just the salient points, revealed by a cursory look.


In Swedish only: This astrologer's dream from 2007 wherein he saw an upcoming "labyrinth of death" at an airport while conscious within the dream of being in an out of the body state! Seems it was bound to happen, sooner or later, given the the insanity of the current inhabitants of this world - some crazy extremists and the other just as spiritually degraded in their materialist life-style.

Mark my word, Nature and Fate will force Westerners on their knees. They will never submit to their higher souls voluntarily. Unbridled greed through the agency of market capitalism has thoroughly destroyed large portions of mankind and made them small and ugly.


About the bombing in the Swedish media: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Kanske letar jag dåligt, men jag hittar ingen mailadresstill dig, så jag skriver här - utan koppling till inlägget. Förlåt.
    Jag har funderat över Kopplingen Serge Gainsbourg - Olof Palme. Långsökt? Deras liv följer i stort en likartad, med några år när, samtidig kurva som i båda fall slutar med en allt för tidig död och statsbegravning. Båda omstridda, med någon slags drift att stryka mothårs - paradoxalt nog gentemot "de egna". Jag vill inte vara låg, men fysiologin...hm.
    Har du någon ingång på detta?

  2. Ju mer man studerar folk, desto fler kuriösa paralleller, likt den du beskriver, hittar man.

    Bloggen har på andra ställen (bland annat här) skissat den antika världsbild dagens materialister förnekar: paralleller som dessa sägs bero på att vi "löpande band"-tillverkas av Världssjälen (primärt identifierat som vårt solsystem).

    Våra liv och fysiska kroppar designas utifrån pytagoreisk-platonska "matematiska former", vilka tillika är levande intelligenser.

    Säga vad man vill, men antikens vassaste tänkare hade åtminstone roliga och meningsskapande tankar! Dagens materialism (och sekulära humanism) jobbar övertid med att förneka att det skulle existera någon inneboende mening i tillvaron (sk nihilism). Detta ju väcka misstanken att det faktiskt finns en gudomlig intelligens någonstans i bakgrunden...

    Titta på etiketten "look-alike" för några exempel där kanske inte horoskopen varit tillräckligt lika för att leda till samma typer av händelser i livet, men där i många fall utseendelikheten är kuslig. Att jag inte lyckats lösa gåtan via någon entydig "formel" beror på att astrologin nuddar vid en hemlighet som skulle kräva en enorm intillgens för att överblicka. Vi kan bara - som antikens studenter av himmel och jord - ana att här pågår en komplex interaktion.

    Eller rättare, att det som finns i det gudomliga medvetandet "spiller över" och gestaltar sig även på det enda sätt vi människor kan se på livet, utkastade på utsidan: vi får studera livet via våra yttre sinnen och med vår inre intelligens försöka fatta de dolda lagar som uppenbarligen måste styra det vi ser. Dessa lagar finns inte "där ute", de ingår också i "här inne", inne i den gudomliga själen.


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